My Mission

To enable clients to live a happier, healthier, more active lifestyle through achieving their fitness goals.

Training for Real Results — Not “Show”.

Personal Training is an egotistical world.  There are people who want to “look good” in the gym when they train — doing exercises that show off just how much they can take.  There are many trainers who want to “look good” in how they train people —meaning show off how tough they are.  “No pain, No gain” takes on a life of its own —demanding results from clients in a relentless, military-style regimen, or insisting on difficult routines that “push” clients beyond their comfort zones… but in ways that aren’t always SAFE.

In a word, this is BS.

I operate by a set of Core Values that keep clients progressing and getting real, sustainable results — without excessive pain or injury.


• To be an excellent example of good health personally.

• To design appropriate programs and ensure clients can DO the exercises.

• To ensure clients are progressively gaining results on their programs.

My Training Core Values

Trainer reviewing pre-workout checklist with client

To ensure work-out readiness: Pre-exercise checklist:

I use a Pre-Exercise Checklist, ensuring clients get enough sleep, eat properly — so sugar level doesn’t drop, for example — and many other points to ensure a great work-out and recovery.

To give clients a program that will not INJURE them.

I will assess and evaluate a client’s condition and give them exercises they can do.  I will ensure they progress in ability appropriately and safely.  This includes deciding if a particular exercise be too risky for an individual, or even regressing someone appropriately if they need to!

training outdoors with client, using resistance bands
Diagram of an arm showing muscle function

To educate clients in the biomechanics of the body.

I’ll cover basics that are KEY to achieving results, so clients can do the exercises properly for maximum effect, such as:  How do the body and muscles function?  Proper form and technique for an exercise. Proper Breathing / when to breathe during an exercise. Engagement of the Core. 

To train at a client’s ability and increase that ability.

I don’t believe in progressing someone because the next exercise “looks good.”  I will give clients exercises that will actually achieve their fitness goals.

John training client outdoors using resistance bands
Man training with ropes

To train with the proper exercises and make sure they are done properly, for optimum individual results.

Rather than giving them a “sexy” exercise that looks good, or so they can boast “I worked out really hard “ (with joints hurting) rather than getting benefit of the exercise/workout, I focus on making the sure form and technique is correct on the proper exercises.   


I have been working with John Oliver as my personal trainer for at least 10 years.  When I started I weighed approximately 260 pounds and was not strong at all.  I am now 75 and weigh approximately 237 (could still be lower) and am a lot stronger.  The great thing about the way John works is that he works with you as you age, his exercises and stretches accommodate your aging.  For example, some of the things I did 10 years ago I cannot now do easily, but he has incorporated more (and longer) stretching to give me flexibility (which diminishes with age) and specific stretches and exercises to strengthen and give flexibility to joints which tend to grow stiff with aging such as knees, hips, etc.  I highly recommend John to anyone, young or old.  — D.Y.

Let’s Talk About Improving Your Fitness and Vitality

Reach Out Now.

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