John Oliver


Achieve Your Fitness Goals.
Live Healthier.
Become Revitalized.




My Story

I’ve always been into personal fitness — being active and knowing my body could do what I wanted it to do. I understood early on that if you keep your body healthy nutritionally, you feel better and rarely get sick. When I started working in the corporate world in my early 20’s, I was well disciplined in this mindset. I kept up my healthy eating habits and was determined that despite spending hours at a desk, I would work out every day.

healthy food, salmon, vegetables, fruits
dumbells with clock pointing to Noon

This proved to be more challenging than I had thought. Work was demanding and stressful. TIME became an issue. I realized I needed to design a workout regimen that fit into this environment and schedule. I researched, looking for different techniques and exercises to find those that gave me the best results in the shortest time, and those that helped me best maintain the gains I had made.

 Working out during my lunch breaks ended up being the “sweet time” for me. I came back feeling revitalized for the toil of the afternoon! I had time to go out with friends after work. In the evenings I could do other things without feeling guilty that I had not worked out.

My colleagues began to notice my overall vitality. Not only was I physically fit, I felt alive and ready to take on anything.  For those who have experienced Corporate America, you’ll know how quickly one can be stripped of this youthful attitude. With the stress of the job, it’s all too easy to fall into bad habits that lead to poor health and lost vitality. Friends at the office began asking for my advice on how they could avert these problems and achieve the fitness results I was demonstrating.

overweight businessman at desk eating donuts
Diverse group of fit, happy businesspeople

I began training a paralegal at the office, just as a friend. Everything you’re “not supposed to do” I did! I also coached her on nutrition and nutritional supplements. She lost a lot of weight and felt great, so others on the job started asking me to train them. Realizing I really could help people and I really enjoyed doing it, a year later I got my certification and started to train professionally.

Over 20 years later, I’m as enthusiastic as when I started in choosing this career path. I’ve dedicated my life to living a healthy lifestyle. I enjoy educating people and motivating people. I will continue to train until I can’t do it anymore—that’s become part of who I am as a person!

My business has continued to grow, via word-of-mouth referrals, into a very successful personalized training practice. I am happy to have made a difference in the lives of many long-term clients who have been with me for years. I am happy to work with friends and family members they’ve referred to me. I’ll be most happy to work with you to help achieve your fitness revitalization.

Trainer shaking happy client's hand


“I have known and worked with John for 20 years. He is a great person and terrific trainer.  He always devises new and different workouts and knows exactly the right way to motivate me and others on a given day.  Although he is a kind and friendly person, he’s always willing to redirect and correct and encourage the best possible performance out of his clients.”    —P.G

Your Dreams Won’t Work Unless You Do.

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